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The Palaces of Amalienborg

The Palaces of Amalienborg

In Copenhagen in the middle of the main square, the famous building complex of Amalienborg is situated. It consists of four palaces built in the style of Rococo by the order of the King Frederick V. The complex is crowned by Frederik's Church which is also called the Marble Church. For many centuries, Amalienborg had been the place where Danish kings and queens lived. Nowadays, Christian IX's Palace is the official residence of the Queen of Denmark and her husband – Prince Henrik. A lot of huge balls and secular banquets are still held here.

Christian VIII’s Palace, originally known as Levetzau's Palace, is open for visitors. The building was totally reconstructed in the 20th century. Now it houses the Museum of Amalienborg, where one can see luxury furniture, paintings and tapestries.

Christian VII’s Palace or Moltke Palace, where Queen’s guests usually stay, is also sometimes open for tourists. Its exhibitions can tell visitors a lot about the history of Denmark and the hard life story of the members of the royal family.

Every day at 11:30am, people come to the main square of Amalienborg to see the ceremonial changing of the Guard. But much more people come here on April 16, when everybody in Denmark celebrates the Queen’s Birthday. The Royal Guards wear bright parade uniform.

The Museum of Amalienborg is open from 11am till 4pm (1 November – 30 April) and from 10am till 4pm (1 May – 31 October). Monday is a day off. The entry ticket costs 8–12 euros, depending on the number of additional exhibitions you’d like to visit. Kids and teens can visit the exhibition for free. You can reach the palace by buses No1А, 15 or 20Е (Bredgade stop or Store Kongensgade), bus No26 (Dronningens Tværgade stop), bus No350S (Kongens Nytorv stop). You can get there by underground; in this case you should get off at Kongens Nytorv station. 



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